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African Dream Seeds
Asian/ TCM
BEE Friendly
Bumper Stickers
Carob; Pods, Seeds & Roasted Powder
CBD & Cannabis Seeds
Clay, Skin and Beauty
CORN, non-GMO, Zea mays
Culinary Herbs & Spices
Daturas; Jimson Weed, Moonflower
Dye Plants
Ephedra sinica, Ma Huang
Flower Seeds
Grains and Grasses
Herb Seeds
Herbal Formulas and Oils
Incense, Natural
Legumes; Beans, Peas, Peanuts
LIVE Plants
Medicinal Plants
Morning Glory Seeds
Native American
Natural Bug Control
New Age/ Stones/ Misc.
Organic Chemicals
Poisonous Plants
Rue, Wild, Peganum harmala
Shaman & Wicca Seeds
Tree seeds
Tobacco Seeds
USDA Certified Organic
Vegetable Seeds
Vegetarian Capsules, Empty
Four species for sale, with numerous varieties:
NOTE: Nicotine is a seriously deadly poison. (Tobacco leaves make great insect killers.) Tobacco is a controversial product that is also a part of our American Heritage. From our Founding Fathers to the Native Americans, tobacco has always held a special place in American history. It was one of our first imports back to Europe, traded for metal, horses and glass beads.
I sell tobacco seeds not because I endorse its use, I don't, but because the Wall Street, Corporate form of tobacco cigarettes contains added nicotine, over 100 chemicals, numerous pesticides, and is actually designed as a drug delivery device that when used properly kills 450,000 Americans yearly. Let's at least find a less toxic form of this plant product for people. Simple: grow it yourself!
- Nicotiana tabacum (various heirloom smoking tobaccos: Virginia, Cuban and Turkish)
- Nicotiana rustica (sacred Native American tobaccos), high nicotine
- Nicotiana sylvestris (ornamental tobacco), beautiful pungent flowers
- Nicotiana trigonophylla (original wild tobacco), bushy and nearly leave-less
NOTE: Nicotine is a seriously deadly poison. (Tobacco leaves make great insect killers.) Tobacco is a controversial product that is also a part of our American Heritage. From our Founding Fathers to the Native Americans, tobacco has always held a special place in American history. It was one of our first imports back to Europe, traded for metal, horses and glass beads.
I sell tobacco seeds not because I endorse its use, I don't, but because the Wall Street, Corporate form of tobacco cigarettes contains added nicotine, over 100 chemicals, numerous pesticides, and is actually designed as a drug delivery device that when used properly kills 450,000 Americans yearly. Let's at least find a less toxic form of this plant product for people. Simple: grow it yourself!
The ancient art of 'curing' tobacco: flues, barns and ships...
If growing for leaves, the flowers of the tobacco plants are usually cut off. Tobacco leaves are picked at maturity, whole, and hung in a shady barn for a month or two to air cure. Nightly changes in humidity help the leaves dry slowly. Air-cured tobacco is generally lower in sugar content, which gives the tobacco smoke a light, smooth, semi-sweet flavor. Air-dried tobacco leaves usually have a higher nicotine content.
Flue-cured tobacco using constant heat will generally take only a week. Flue-curing is often used for large scale commercial cigarette tobacco, resulting in a higher content of sugar, and medium to high levels of nicotine. You can also stack fresh leaves in the ships' hold and naturally ferment the wet leaves. |
Tobacco Seeds

100 Hopi Tobacco seeds, N. rustica, Calif

200 Organic Aztec Tobacco seeds, N. rustica

100 'Mohawk' Tobacco seeds, N. rustica

~100 'Tall Tree' Tobacco seeds, Nicotiana glauca

Midewiwan Sacred Tobacco seeds, N. rustica
$3.50 - $9.95
$3.50 - $9.95

100 'Virginia Gold' Tobacco seeds, N. tobaccum