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- Midewiwan Sacred Tobacco seeds, N. rustica
Midewiwan Sacred Tobacco seeds, N. rustica
$3.50 - $9.95
per item
Midewiwan is a Native American Rustica variety similar to Aztec tobacco.
It is a very fast grower and matures in under 40 days. Grows to 5 feet. It tolerates cool weather very well and can be planted earlier than many other tobaccos.
The leaves are dark green and have a thick rubbery texture, which air cure to a nice medium brown.
Like many other rusticas, Midewiwan is high in nicotine content.
Full sun, moderate water. Start indoors. Do not bury seeds. Mist with water often.
Cure leaves in shade for several weeks, then cut and store. If growing for seed, let it go; if growing for leaves, cut the seed stalks off the plant.