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- BEE Happy! Pollinator Wildflower Mix, 10 grams, 20 flowers
BEE Happy! Pollinator Wildflower Mix, 10 grams, 20 flowers
per item
Custom pollinator MIX of 20 different, specially picked wildflower seeds for the USA and comparable regions worldwide, 10 grams, or about a third of an ounce. Rich in both nectar and pollen, these are all favored by honey bees and butterflies. While butterflies only need nectar, honey bees need both pollen and nectar to survive. This mix has medicinal echinacea, tall sunflowers, drought-tolerant California poppies, pink pincushions loved by all, and nitrogen-fixing clovers that heal old soil. Here is my "BEE HAPPY" custom bee/butterfly/pollinator list of wildflowers:
- Baby Blue Eyes; Nemophila menziesii; Annual
- Bergamot, Bee Balm; Monarda fistulosa; Perennial
- California Poppy, Orange; Eschscholzia californica; Perennial/Biennial
- Cosmos Sensation Mix; Cosmos bipinnatus; Annual
- Crimson Clover; Trifolium incarnatum; Annual
- Evening Primrose; Oenothera lamarckiana; Annual
- Gayfeather/Blazing Star; Liatris spicata; Perennial
- Gaillardia; Gaillardia aristata; Perennial
- Lance Leaf Coreopsis; Coreposis lanceolata; Perennial
- Lemon Queen Sunflower; Helianthus annuus; Annual
- New England Aster; Aster novae angliae; Perennial
- Perennial Lupine; Lupinus perennis; Perennial
- Pincushion, Pink Mist, OG; Scabiosa columbaria; Perennial/Annual
- Purple Coneflower; Echinacea purpurea; Perennial
- Purple Phacelia; Phacelia tanacetifolia; Annual
- Red Clover, OG; Trifolium pratense; Annual
- Red Corn Poppy; Papaver rhoeas; Annual
- Siberian Wallflower; Cheiranthus allioni; Perennial/Biennial
- Sweet Alyssum; Lobularia maritima; Perennial
- Yellow Prairie Coneflower; Ratibida columnifera; Perennial